Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Saturday!!!

After a couple rough nights sleeping Miss Lucy is in a darn happy mood! Her piggy & carrot on her bouncy seat are the main source of entertainment.
So crazy....but she is cutting teeth! I had to search online to find out if that was even possible. And it's more common than you would think. Just another difference between her and Kinnick. The differences are growing exponentially.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Italian Trulli

While watching House Hunters International I fell in love with the design of the Italian Trulli. From my understanding, their history is a mortarless home that could be built, torn down, and rebuilt to avoid property costs. The result are these beautiful quaint homes with loads of charm and whimsy. The textured stone is the perfect backdrop to their warm cocoon like rooms. And the Italian countryside sprawling out each window is yet another perk. LOVE! Stumbled upon some images of these gorgeous little homes @ Design-Ties. So if you have a second to get lost in a quaint little dream...skip on over to this blog and check it out!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Here are just a couple new pics of the kiddos. Thanks Aub for sending Kinnick such a sweet Obi Wan shirt..can't wait til Lucy fits into her Princess Leah onsie. We were snowed in today and caught up with some old friends. Kinnick decided we would spend our day revisiting some of our favorite movies from years past. Thankfully kids' movies are as enjoyable for me as they are him. Lucy was not in the most forgiving of moods today. She's becoming a little spoiled...gonna have to nip that in the bud quick! Hope tomorrow we're able to dig out because I think we all have a little case of cabin fever!

Mr Basketball

Here are the latest pics of Kinnick playing ball. He practices every night and that includes stretching;) Hopefully he'll take after his dad when it comes to athletic ability!