Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Little Stinker!

Here are a few of the pictures I snapped of Kinnick today..He's such a nerd..I love it! He is not so shy..about anything! This kid has personality coming out of his toes. It makes for a lot of fun! I'm so blessed to have such a cool little guy to hang out with on a daily basis. Thanks buddy for being so awesome!

Friday, December 18, 2009

In Love with this Interior

Your home surroundings and how they make you feel are sooo important in my opinion...I feel that the way you design your home inspires you and nurtures your soul. I came across this post on Apartment Therapy and wanted to share it..it's gorgeous and inviting and warm...my dream surroundings! Check out the full post.

Monday, December 14, 2009

xmas is almost here!

Tis the season...and my 4 year old reminds every 15 seconds by wanting to add something to his "list". It is fun to have him so pumped about the holidays. I've been toiling away at a few new pieces for you folks in my etsy shop..muffinmade.etsy.com Check it out!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

So...I've been thinking about going back to doing hair...any advice? I haven't done it for...3 yrs? 4yrs? not sure...Anyway.. I'm considering giving it another chance. I'd really love to do makeup...I have always been in love with makeup. My family is all too aware of this....My loving cousins use to let me dress them up and do their makeup and then take glamor shots...they were like 7 and 9 at the time...they didn't really have a choice. But I have always lived in the business. My mom owned a salon for 35 some odd years...she did hair forever. And I know I got burnt out on the whole thing...it was all I had ever known. But now that I've stepped away...it wasn't so bad. It might be like starting all over again...and that could be really exciting! But honestly and truly I would love to get back into the makeup part of the industry. It was all about how much you put into it..which I liked. I like to be busy and work hard and there for make more doola! I love my business and don't plan on giving it up...but I need to support myself and contribute to my family. And my business has become such a labor and headache that it's not fun anymore. I can't make enough to support myself and I have hit my breaking point...I need to do something else. So back to what I know best! Hopefully it will turn out well..wish me luck!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cyber Monday!!

So Black Friday is over...now the real shopping begins! ha ha. Enjoy Free Shipping starting @ midnight tonight until midnight tomorrow night. I've added some fun new pieces..so enjoy! click here to visit my shop!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i love my husband...he's so supportive. he even agreed to be my model for some of my new t shirt prints...he wasn't that thrilled but he did it:) he's ALWAYS encouraging in whatever it is i decide to do and that's priceless when you have your own business. without dust i would be a nutcase! so thanks ... love ya ... your awesome!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i got a case of the mondays

it's been a fabulously productive day! i love those days when you get your "list" done...all of it. with the help of some much needed new music i stayed motivated and on task. so i will hopefully have some new t shirts soon as i busted out some new designs in illustrator today. and i'm working on some fresh jewelry as well. i'm leaning more and more towards gold finishes...i'm kind of obsessed with them at the moment. so keep your eyes open for some new stuff!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Muffinmade Jewelry

Here are some of the new designs in Jewelry @ my shop: muffinmade.etsy.com

Check them out! There are some great gifts for the holidays...who doesn't love some fantastic handmade jewerlry

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

PS...Here are some Artwalk '09 Pics of my display....Let me know what you think.

October Goes Out with a Bang

So as this month finally starts to wrap up...My schedule is still overflowing. The artwalk went well...would have liked a little more traffic through the event. But at least the Michael Jackson music playing in the theater entrance made the time less maddening.

With that done on to this week! Friday is the Halloween Party at Rebos (the restaurant where I work when I'm not making jewelry, screenprinting, or running around after my 4 year old). Should be a riot! I'm pumped and decided I'm going as none other than MJ...I found an awesome MJ makeup tutorial on Kandee's blog. That girl does some fantastic things with makeup! And I love makeup! Along with coming up with costumes and the usual business of my business...I'm working on getting down the exact sequence of the "Thriller" choreography. I think my coworkers and I need to bust a move for our guests at the restaurant that night...I hope everyone is as enthusiastic about this as I am. I mean who doesn't want to know the "Thriller" dance...right?! So hopefully I'll have some cool pics of our Halloween Bash.

Happy Halloween ALL!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The 2009 Artwalk

The second annual Artwalk in Sioux City is next weekend...Saturday October 24th from 11-4. There are 30 artists placed around the downtown area displaying their art to be purchased. Different medias include paint, glass, metal and ceramics. I will have a variety of my new line of jewelry and screenprinted goods at the Promenade Cinemas. Also check out Amy Thompson's acrylic and oil paintings at Pro-Link Realty in the 306 building. Should be a ton of unique art to see...so come check us out!