Thursday, December 3, 2009

So...I've been thinking about going back to doing hair...any advice? I haven't done it for...3 yrs? 4yrs? not sure...Anyway.. I'm considering giving it another chance. I'd really love to do makeup...I have always been in love with makeup. My family is all too aware of this....My loving cousins use to let me dress them up and do their makeup and then take glamor shots...they were like 7 and 9 at the time...they didn't really have a choice. But I have always lived in the business. My mom owned a salon for 35 some odd years...she did hair forever. And I know I got burnt out on the whole was all I had ever known. But now that I've stepped wasn't so bad. It might be like starting all over again...and that could be really exciting! But honestly and truly I would love to get back into the makeup part of the industry. It was all about how much you put into it..which I liked. I like to be busy and work hard and there for make more doola! I love my business and don't plan on giving it up...but I need to support myself and contribute to my family. And my business has become such a labor and headache that it's not fun anymore. I can't make enough to support myself and I have hit my breaking point...I need to do something else. So back to what I know best! Hopefully it will turn out well..wish me luck!

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